Oregano is a medicine chest in a bottle
All you need to know how oregano can reverse numerous ailments including:
Allergies; arthritis; asthma; athete’s foot; back pain; bites; bronchitis; candidiasis; cankersores; colds; coldsores; diarrhea; ear aches; eczema; fatigue; flu; gastritis; gum disease; neuritis; prostatitis; psoriasis; ringworm; sinusitis; wounds; and dozens of others
Oregano will help you:-
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Protect you whist travelling throughout the world
Keep your children safe the ravages of opportunistic infections
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Defend you from Lyme, Hepatitis, E coli and much more
This 200 page book is by Dr Cass Ingram, physician, health researcher and author of over 30 books on natural cures and remedies. He is popular radio/TV personality in America and made over 10,000 media iterviews on taking care of health naturally.
Price: £5.99 + £2.50 p&p