Fentarol (oil of Fennel) 30ml

£38.50 inc VAT

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Fennel has an ancient history as a medicine and is currently popular in Europe and the Middle East, where it is administered most extensively. The fruit of fennel contains the greatest concentration of therapeutic components. Among the antioxidants is vitamin E. Fennel contains 75% of its vitamin E as garnma­tocotrienol, making it higher than virtually any other substance tested. This substance is regarded as the most powerful antioxidant of the vitamin B family.

The mineral content of fennel seed is impressive, and it is particularly rich in calcium and potassium. It also contains large amounts of magnesium and phosphorus. Fennel essential oil is a convenient means to gain the benefits of this plant. If you suffer from an upset stomach indigestion, or intestinal gas, use oil of fennel.

For spastic colon take oil of fennel, 5 drops twice daily in juice or water. The oil contains potent chemicals which relax spastic muscles, eliminates cramps, while strengthening the bowel functions.

To improve digestion, take oil of fennel, 2 to 5 drops twice daily.

For sluggish kidneys fennel is the remedy of choice. The oil markedly stimulates the flow of urine. This diuretic action is long-lasting, up to 24 hours after each dose. Oil of fennel also increases the excretion of noxious substances through the urine. It is invaluable in the prevention or dissolution of kidney stones.

Lactating mothers who are failing to produce enough milk desperately need fennel. Take 5 to 10 drops twice daily.

Fennel oil is invaluable for colic and stomach aches in children. Since it is fairly potent, use only a small amount; 1 or 2 drops. Caution: do not administer to newborns.

According to James Duke, PhD., author of the CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs fennel oil is a top remedy for hookworm, or any other worm infestation. Take 5 drops 3 times daily for 2 or 3 weeks. For maintenance take small amounts, like 5 to 10 drops, on a daily basis.

Contains: Wild oil of Fennel in extra virgin olive oil

Presentation: 30ml oil with dispensing dropper



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