OregaResp 90 vegi caps

£49.96 inc VAT

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Economy Size  Multiple spice formula -  8 x stronger than oregano on it's own!!

Using specialised technology, the oil of P73 wild oregano is blended with wild sage and cumin oils which are then emulsified and dried giving a greater concentration then when taken in liquid form.

Multiple spice formula -  8 x stronger than oregano on it's own!! Using specialised technology, the oil of P73 wild oregano is blended with wild sage and cumin oils which are then emulsified and dried giving a greater concentration then when taken in liquid form.

Using specialised technology (called mycellization) the pure oils of our wild Oregano P73, Cumin and Sage are emulsified and (in capsule form) spray dried giving a greater concentration of the germ killing and anti-oxidant powers of these powerful herbs. The synergistic benefits of these herbs are especially helpful for those with respiratory problems.

In addition to oil of oregano, OregaResp P73 also includes cumin and sage. Cumin is a strong tasting spice that is derived from the seed of a small plant belonging to the parsley and celery family. Cumin has many benefits including its antifungal powers. Tantaoui-Elaraki and Beraoud published in the Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology that cumin oil could halt the growth of the invasive forms of yeast in a rather small concentration: less than one tenth of one percent. They also found that the oil of cumin could potentially hinder the production of fungal toxins such as aflatoxin. Moreover, multiple researchers writing in the journal Nutrition and Cancer found that oil of cumin had the ability to increase the activity of a liver enzyme known as glutathione­-S-transferase. This enzyme is necessary if the liver is to detoxify toxic chemicals. This means that the ingestion of cumin oil may help the body remove cancer causing chemicals via acceleration of liver detoxification. Currently, the known and potential benefits of cumin make it a powerful natural remedy for numerous maladies that plague modern man.

Sage is an herb found naturally in Europe which has strong antioxidant and antibacterial powers. The antioxidant effects of sage help to destroy free radicals, scavenger molecules that lack necessary electrons and create cellular havoc while hunting for their missing components, before they can do too much damage to the cellular structure of the human body. One of the benefits of sage is its potential ability to break down acetylcholine, which helps to preserve the compound that "seems to help prevent and cure Alzheimer's. Moreover, sage may help in the treatment of bad breath, canker sores, carpal tunnel syndrome, gingivitis and tonsillitis.

OregaResp P73 has been created using a proprietary, evaporative technique on the constituent edible oils. The technique used on the wild, mountain grown oil of oregano, as well as the other natural spice extracts included in the OregaResp P73, creates a more potent and concentrated formula than the natural edible oils possess alone. OregaResp P73 comes in both powdered capsule and oil forms. In our experience, the oil mixture appears to contain properties all its own. At North American Herb & Spice, we have seen maximum results when OregaResp P73 is taken in both capsule and oil form simultaneously.

A unique blend of wild oregano, sage and cumin oils,

Presentation: 90 vegi-caps

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Cinnamon, Cumin, Ginger, Oregano, Sage


OregaResp 90 vegi caps, OREGARESP (multi-pack 3 x 90's)

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